Get the Legal Defense You Deserve with Our Criminal Lawyer in Des Plaines, IL

Facing criminal charges is stressful and can lead to life-changing consequences. Whether it’s navigating a DUI charge, firearm case, or dealing with a suspended license, trying to manage the complexities of the legal system on your own can be overwhelming. You need a criminal lawyer who will fight for your rights and take the burden off your shoulders.

Mark Battaglia, P.C. is your go-to for aggressive criminal defense in Des Plaines, IL. With over 15 years of legal experience, our team brings a compassionate yet determined approach to every case. We understand that every situation is unique, and we work closely with our clients to build strong defense strategies that fit their needs.

From criminal defense to family law matters, we are dedicated to helping you get back on track. Whether you’re facing a criminal charge or navigating a family dispute, you can trust Mark Battaglia, P.C. to provide the support and legal defense you need.  

Ensure a Fair Trial with a Reliable Criminal Lawyer on Your Team

At Mark Battaglia, P.C., we are proud to offer a range of legal services designed to tackle your criminal law challenges. Serving Des Plaines, IL, we tailor our services to meet the specific needs of our clients, ensuring they get the best legal representation possible.
Here’s a closer look at what we can do for you:
  • Criminal Defense: We offer defense strategies for a variety of criminal charges, from misdemeanors to felonies, to protect your rights.
  • Firearm Cases: Our team handles cases related to firearm charges, such as illegal possession or improper discharge.
  • DUI: Whether it’s your first DUI or a repeat offense, we’re here to build a defense aimed at reducing consequences.
  • Driving on a Suspended License: Protect yourself from further legal trouble with our defense strategies for suspended license cases.
  • Divorce: We provide legal support through every step of the divorce process, ensuring your rights are protected and working toward the best possible outcome for you.
  • Parentage: We handle parentage cases to help establish legal parent-child relationships, ensuring clarity in matters such as custody, child support, and parental rights.
  • Parenting Time: We assist in resolving parenting time disputes, helping to create fair and effective arrangements that prioritize the well-being of your children.

Don’t Gamble with Your Defense , Hire a Criminal Lawyer

Criminal law can be intimidating, especially when you’re involved in a case. Understanding the law and how it applies to you is crucial for mounting an effective defense. At Mark Battaglia, P.C., we are committed to empowering Des Plaines, IL residents with the knowledge and tools they need to approach their cases with confidence.

Here are four important tips to keep in mind when dealing with criminal law:

  • Exercise Your Rights: Always be aware of your right to remain silent and to legal representation. Using these rights from the beginning can protect you in court.
  • Collect Evidence: Any details or documentation that can support your defense, such as witness testimony or surveillance footage, may strengthen your case.
  • Stay Organized: Make sure you keep track of court dates, deadlines, and legal documents to avoid unnecessary complications.
  • Be Honest with Your Lawyer: Open communication with your lawyer helps build a solid defense, ensuring that all aspects of your case are addressed.
Following these tips will better prepare you for the challenges of a criminal case. At Mark Battaglia, P.C., we are dedicated to supporting our clients through every step, providing both defense strategies and helpful legal guidance. Whether you’re dealing with a criminal charge or a family law issue, our team is here to guide you.
Take the next step by contacting a professional criminal lawyer from Mark Battaglia, P.C. today at (312) 492-7777. We’re ready to offer personalized legal defense in Des Plaines, IL, and help you navigate any criminal or family law issues you’re facing. Call us now!
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